Madrid/Freedom of Information sketch diary, part one

Did you know that in the UK, as well as in many other countries around the world, you have the right to ask for information from public authorities, and by law they must respond?

Wait, you’re thinking, isn’t this a drawing blog?

Well yes it is, and hold tight for quite a bit of drawing: my longest sketch diary yet, in fact, which I’m going to split over several posts in an effort to make it more digestible.

But as long-term readers will know, the reason I get to travel is often because of my job, working for an NGO. I’m extremely grateful for this, but I’m also just as grateful for the very interesting work we do.

Yes, that’s right, I said ‘very interesting’.

And I am indeed talking about Freedom of Information. If that phrase sounds dry to you, I really hope that you’ll read on, and maybe even change your mind. And if not, well, there’s plenty of stuff about Madrid, in between the FOI stuff.

Oh, one last thing: I probably ought to say that what follows over the next few posts is in no way an official account of the work of the organisation I work for, mySociety. It’s my own visual representation of an event from the point of view of an attendee – me.

Click on any picture to see it larger.

p1 Alaveteli sketch diary by Myfanwy Tristram

p2 Alaveteli sketch diary by Myfanwy Tristramp3 Alaveteli sketch diary by Myfanwy Tristram

p4 Alaveteli sketch diary by Myfanwy Tristram

p5 Alaveteli sketch diary by Myfanwy Tristram

See part two here.


Published by Myfanwy Tristram

I am an illustrator, situated in Brighton on the south coast of England, and with a special interest in comics and graphic memoir. I also work for a non-profit which encourages people to be active in democracy and to exercise rights such as the right to information through FOIA.